
Emotive start futsal tournament Pepet

August 27 from 2014 - 11: 34

The twenty-fourth edition of the tournament Pepet futsal is being held in La Xara lived one hour before the start of the first game to be played, an unpleasant news, the death of Juan García, the father of Pepet.

Could not be more emotional was the beginning of the first shock, precisely because Juan García was the person who year after year picked up the bouquet so that it was placed in the tomb of Pepet.

Rafol team that won Reale Seguros by 2 1 to

On the first day of competition already he jumped the first surprise as the whole Reale Ginestar was defeated by the Rafol 1 to 2 FS in an exciting encounter.

It also lacked emotion in the second game where the team javiense Rte. Fontana 4 to 3 beat the Maxim Sound.

In the second day of the tournament played last night, in females there was a triumph of the Young Promises before La Jarina by 0 to 2. While in Veterans the local team of Pedro Agulles La Xara thrashed the Construcciones Ricardo Mañas by 5 to 1.

The Veterans whole Pedro Agulles La Xara

For today's session are planned parties, Reale Ginestar against Els Poblets at 20: 30 and 21: 30 faces, Rte will be. La Fontana and Lino Roselló.

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