
Emotica: How it affects us Astenia Primaveral

12 2011 April - 00: 00

With the arrival of spring, nature regains its maximum splendor; We find colorful flowers wherever we go, we enjoy more hours of light and higher temperatures ... In short, you breathe vitality, energy and positivism in the environment.

However, although it seems that we should all enjoy the beginning of this new season, there are people who feel fatigued or downcast both physically and psychologically. It's what we call Spring asthenia. It is a short-term disorder that occurs because our body fails to adapt adequately to the changes that spring brings with it: more light intensity, slightly higher temperatures, increased sun hours, changes in levels of pressure and humidity, etc. All these factors influence our vital or circadian rhythms, which are so important for our organism.

The symptoms that characterize this disorder are: tiredness, lack of energy, a generalized weakness, physical and intellectual decay, excessive drowsiness, poor sleep, difficulty concentrating, lack of motivation to do things, feeling dizzy, pressure in the head , irritability, lack of appetite, decreased sexual desire, etc. The best way to combat this disorder is prevention; and for this, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to face it. Here are some suggestions for the treatment of spring asthenia:

- Sleep the hours that our body needs without having to use drugs that help with the reconciliation of sleep.
- Take a proper diet, low in fat and rich in vitamins and minerals, which provides our body with the necessary nutrients. Eliminate the consumption of alcohol, tobacco or caffeinated drinks.
- Practice moderate physical exercise: walking, swimming, cycling, dancing, practicing pilates, yoga or any other activity that keeps our mind occupied and relaxes our body.
- Have a fixed schedule both to go to bed and to get up and try to maintain a stable routine in our daily lives.
- Walk outdoors and take advantage of the hours of sunlight.

It should be noted that spring asthenia is not a long-term disorder, so if the symptoms persist and worsen for more than three months, it is advisable to seek help from a specialist.

Verónica Monsonís Far
Emotica, espai de benestar

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