
The PSOE requires the council to settle the budget to the UNED and MACMA before year-end

November 30 from 2011 - 18: 50

After learning that the municipality has paid only 25% of the total budget for the year 2011 to the UNED, the Socialists of Dénia they have raised their voices to demand that the consistory pay its debt to the organism, whose professors do not charge from the month of September.

The socialist councilor and deputy in Les Corts Jordi Serra has said that "The Mayor is allowing the mismanagement of her councilor of finance, Vicente Chelet, endanger an institution that teaches more than 2000 students who cannot study at a face-to-face University ".

But the UNED is not the only organism to which the city owes money: the MACMA and the Musical Artistic Group, in addition to multiple suppliers that have offered a service to the city council have still pending invoices.

The case of the MACMA (Mancomunitat Cultural de la Marina Alta) is especially serious, since there are several town halls -of the 33 in the region- that do not have their accounts up to date. After 14 years, they have been forced not to publish their monthly magazine due to lack of funding.

From the socialist group they ask themselves what the money is spending the city council not to liquidate the budget committed in the budgets of 2011.

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