
The rental price breaks records in Dénia: this is how life has become more expensive

03 2022 April - 08: 30

It is undeniable that day-to-day life in Dénia is becoming more expensive. And not only because of wars, strikes and pandemics, bubbles and speculation are evils that have been lived with for decades to the point of normalizing and becoming one more rule of The Market. One of the sectors most affected (or benefited) from these practices is real estate, which seems to have forgotten the devastating explosion of 2007.

Fifteen years ago we faced one of the most decisive crises of recent decades. The growth of housing prices became unaffordable without the help of banks that were no longer as collaborative as before. This caused a change in people's preferences when looking for a home. Families were increasingly willing to rent and less willing to mortgage.

Dénia is a reflection of this new trend. In the city, the number of rental homes has skyrocketed over the last decade and a half, but so have their prices.

Month after month, the square meter of Dianense rents has been getting more expensive, with few truces that have not compensated in the long term. Many of these contracts offered have been temporary to ensure availability of housing in high season and offer it as a vacation rental, being able to earn crazy figures. This means that families looking for a place to live all year round have less to choose from, increasing a demand that was not covered (and for which many have chosen to live in neighboring towns), which allowed prices to be inflated to benefit of that need.

So much so that renting a house in the urban center of Dénia now costs 40% more than ten years ago. According to the industry platforms, at the beginning of 2012 you could rent the house for €5 per square metre. Now, rent is paid at 7,1 euros per square meter.

But it is the usual average price. There are areas where it has become even more expensive, such as in the port, the most expensive district in the city center and whose rent has already exceeded €8 per square metre.

  1. Ignacio says:

    Homes for rent? Tourist hahitacles will mean, it's packed. Many, in addition to being expensive, throw the rented out, from May to October to rent them for tourism. What kind of home can you build if you get kicked out for 6 months? In addition to all the movement of people using your apartment, your bathroom, your kitchen, your bed because if you have a rental contract and you have bought the mattress, they will tell me how unhygienic that is. Let's see if we start calling to things for their man. The price is raised by the owners all together, it is their business and in many cases in the black, without insurance and without anything.

    • Alberto Serrano says:

      I have an apartment in front of the nautical, and I have had the intention of renting it all year. The problem is that they don't want to pay the price. It amuses me that the article says that the rent is 8 euros per square meter for rent, in flats that cost or cost 2300 to 3000 euros per square meter. To that add the community expenses and taxes, I think that the one who signs the article is not very well documented. Tell me at what price would I have to rent to cover at least bank interest and the rest, so that later you have tenants who leave without paying or leave it to you like foxes, case that has happened to me in another apartment and it is not in the center, rather at the other extreme «las deveses». As for black, it's a lot of insulting. I rent it on vacation, I had to register in the. Valencian Community and well takes commission without doing anything. It is very easy to stop renting, as many have done, you save with less consumption, many hours of work and the bank to ask and pay in 25 years, so you do not have to depend on anyone and you will see what it costs to have a property. In addition, Denia is one of the cheapest towns on the Costa Blanca by far, look at Javea, Gandia, Calpe, etc. Denia had to be between 12 and 20 euros per square meter for rent. By the way, the other apartment is rented for 550 euros and has 55 square meters, yes, in an urbanization with all the privileges and a garage space on top.

      • Marian says:

        I totally agree with you. Throughout.

      • Tenant says:

        If you have bought an apartment at that price, it is either because you can, or because you plan to speculate. Complaining about expenses has an easy solution: sell it since you don't use it personally.
        Asking a mileurista waiter to pay 550 + expenses, to eat and make ends meet without owing anyone money seems to me asking enough. Or perhaps in Denia only Porsche engineers and Google computer scientists live on €4000/month? If there are, they will not rent your 55m apartment with floodable parking when it rains and a pool only for summer.

        Regarding calling tenants delinquent and dirty, it seems to me a worse insult than insinuating that you charge in black. But since they are bums who do not want to work to access the purchase, they have no right to honor….

      • Ignacio says:

        »They don't want to pay it at its price» you say… Does the Apartment set the price for itself? The price is set by the owners. When you decide to buy properties to rent, you enter into a business and, like any business, it has its risks, obligations and responsibilities. Do you rent to generate money? I only have one property, my home where I live. I leave speculation to others, I'm not interested. Perhaps you should consider lowering the price since it is only worth what customers are willing to pay, you clearly overestimated the percentage of profit that you could take away. Renting is a business don't tell me you didn't do numbers or calculate risks.

      • Pepito says:

        I think it should be €50 per meter, and so "normal" people go to live in a tent in the mountains, right? How nice it is to be able to buy a house for 100 thousand and want to sell it for 200. Laughter makes me laugh... going down to the mud is what more than one person lacks

      • rosana canavesi says:

        Hello, good afternoon. I am interested in an apartment for a month of vacation. We are a couple around 60 years old, we would like 2 bedrooms in case someone comes for a weekend. If you have availability please let me know, thanks.
