
The MARQ of Alicante joins the celebration of the Millennium of the Taifa of Dénia

21 October 2013 - 00: 00

The Archaeological Museum of Alicante, MARQ, has joined the acts to commemorate the millennium of the Taifa of Dénia organized by our organized town hall and scheduled a international conference on archeology around al-Andalus during the end of the Caliphate and time of the Taifa (centuries X-XI).

The conference, aimed at professionals and scholars of the time, will be held the 23 and 25 October day in and day MARQ 24 will move to Dénia.

The day in our city will begin with an official reception to be followed by three conferences in Municipal House of Culture. The first will be given by Carolina Doménech, of the University of Alicante, and will address the numismatic and circulation of Valencia Taifa. It will follow a talk professor at the University of Jaén Vicente Salvatierra on the borders of the Taifa of Dénia by the West. Then Patrice Cressier teachers and taught Sophie Gilotte Conference Play in al-Andalus in the eleventh century. The morning will conclude with a discussion of the Taifa of Dénia. These conferences are open to the public.

The Archaeological Museum of Alicante, MARQ joins the celebration of the thousand years of Taifa of Dénia

In the afternoon, the conference participants will go up to the castle to take a guided tour of the seven gates of the citadel of Madînat Daniya and the city's Archaeological Museum.

The Al-Andalus days. Caliphate and Taifa have been presented this morning at City Hall by the Councilor for Culture, Pepa FontAnd the director of the Archaeological Museum of Dénia, Josep Antoni Gisbert.

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