
The IECMA awards the XNUMXst Research and Essay Award 'Antoni Lluís Carrió' to the dianense journalist Toni Reig

15 July 2015 - 09: 01

The work Histories of crims and criminals of the Marina Alta (1844-1932) He has earned the writer and journalist Antoni Reig Dianense I Prize for Research and Testing Antoni Lluis Carrió awarded by the Institut d'Estudis Comarcals de la Marina Alta (IECMA).

A year ago the announcement of the award was presented, and this week the jury of the president of IECMA and director of the Arxiu Municipal, Rosa Seser; the writer Carme Miquel; Professor at the University of Alicante Joan Borja; Professor at the University of Valencia Carles Simo X and Professor of the Open University of Denia and jury secretary, Joan Ivars, have announced the ruling.

Antoni Reig Pérez

Històries of Crims i Criminals Marina Alta (1844-1932) includes a series of cases of crime over a period ranging from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. The author recreates, from an excellent documentation of the time, the extreme conflict that always come to crimes, which usually tend to be solved by justice, at a time when the death penalty is present in the Spanish legislation . The scenarios of these events are the peoples of the region: Dénia, Jávea, Senija, Pego, Ondara, affecting different social classes: farmers, gentlemen or officers.

The jury has valued the contributions of facts that once generated a great social alarm and that today had been forgotten. In addition, as an added value, the jury has highlighted that each journal is accompanied by an unpublished illustration of artists such as Castejón, Ramón Pérez Carrión, Andrés Jaén or Dani Sanchis.

Antoni Reig Perez is a well known writer and professional media, co-author of the books Premsa to the Marina Alta y Dénia, ciutat filmAnd author of several research papers. He has participated in audiovisual on Denia and as a speaker at various courses Senior UNED.

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