
The Dénia Hospital receives the representatives of AFIMA, coinciding with the International Fibromyalgia Day

May 11 from 2021 - 10: 49

El Hospital de Dénia has received representation from the Fibromyalgia Association of the Marina Alta, AFIMA. The meeting coincides with the celebration tomorrow, May 12, of the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The objective is to make the population aware of a pathology suffered by between 3% and 6% of the world population.

Montserrat Muñoz and Ana Pacheco attended the meeting, which took place in the Council Room of the Dianense center; representing AFIMA, and the Head of the Rehabilitation Service, Álvaro Escuder, and the Fibromyalgia specialist, Vicente Palop, on behalf of the Dénia Health Department –DSD-.
Both parties have agreed to highlight the importance of raising awareness and making visible a disease that has not been recognized as such until a few dates ago and of complex diagnosis and treatment.

Both for AFIMA and the Hospital de Dénia this type of meeting helps to articulate medium and long-term projects, strengthen ties and create links, something fundamental in a pathology of these characteristics.

The AFIMA representatives have thanked Dr. Palop for the work carried out in the Fibromyalgia consultation, which, with only two years since its launch, is already becoming a national benchmark.

For his part, Dr. Palop has underlined the importance of the work carried out by the associations, "since it represents 50% of the motivation that patients need to improve". In this sense, Palop has assured that "during the most restrictive months of the pandemic, face-to-face and virtual consultations have been held, depending on the degree of need for each patient."

Dr. Palop has also highlighted the important transversality effort that is being carried out in the DSD with the training of other specialist doctors, such as Family and Community Medicine, since “fibromyalgia is a syndrome that cannot be divided . Normally those affected are multi-pathological patients who have to be treated with a global vision ”.

Finally, Vicente Palop has announced the availability of a specific guide on physical exercise and meditation, as a tool to avoid most of the associated symptoms, such as pain, chronic fatigue and insomnia.

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