
The Dénia Hospital launches the Neurosurgery Service

15 2021 April - 11: 05

El Hospital de Dénia has launched the Neurosurgery Service, in charge of solving pathologies located in the skull or in the spine. The team, led by neurosurgeon Anwar Saab, from the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Madrid, uses cutting-edge techniques, such as minimally invasive surgery and spinal endoscopy. It also works closely with Traumatology and Otorhinolaryngology services.

Neurosurgery solves a wide range of spinal pathologies that encompass joint and nervous system problems. It also addresses herniated discs, canal stenosis or spondylolisthesis, which are the displacements of one vertebra with respect to another. All of these pathologies cause serious conditions such as sciatica, gait lameness or severe back pain.

According to the Head of Neurosurgery at the Hospital de Dénia, Dr. Anwar Saab, "the advantage is that now we can approach the patient with minimally invasive techniques, with better results than conventional surgery and shorter postoperative, even some, without hospital admission" .

One of the most advanced techniques in the approach to the spine is endoscopic. Compared to the large incisions that are made with traditional surgery, it addresses the spine through small 2-centimeter holes, using natural corridors and without damaging the surrounding tissues. Among the variants of spinal endoscopy, the most innovative is the one that resolves hernias, with entrance incisions of just 5mm. Some of these surgeries are performed without hospital admission.

Regarding the skull, the most frequent surgeries are those that treat brain tumors or trauma. The team, in addition to collaborating with the Traumatology service, also collaborates with the Otorhinolaryngology service in the resolution of pathologies located at the base of the skull, accessed through the nostrils.
The new Neurosurgery Service is offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and avoids travel to other health centers, in which time plays a fundamental role.

  1. Martha says:

    Nicht nur das passiert da
    Denias Krankenhaus Marina Salud has no guten Ruf betreffend das Management.
    Hier werden Privat und Sozial klassifiziert..Überlange Wartezeiten keine klaren Aussagen
    The medical personal arbeitet sich die Finger wund und schaffen Hervorragndes..Ärzte
    müssen die Schulter zucken wenn ein Patient nach einem OP Termin fragt obwohl sie genau
    wissen das schnellsten eine OP notwendig ist… Der Patient wird im Regen stehen gelassen.
    Traurig unverantwortlich und wer badet is aus der Patient. viele zu viele Patiënten. Bitte nicht alles auf Corona schieben dieses Problem besteht schon lange.
    Spanien und auch besonders die Provinz Valencia hat zu wenige Krankenhäuser wo Sozialversicherte schnell kompetent
    all ihre wichtigen Untersuchungen OPs erhalten.
    Hier ist das Gesundheitsministerium gefragt.
    Handelt endlich zum Wohle aller Patientsen

    Cheers..Ist das heut noch zeitgemäß

  2. Carlos Gual says:

    They already tried once. If you have surgery and there are complications in the postoperative period in the afternoon, evening or weekend, neurosurgeons are not there to solve these complications.
    The Ministry of Health should not consent to these things.
