
The Dénia Hospital confirms 6 positive for coronavirus

16 March 2020 - 08: 56

A few days ago, the Marina Alta she was still oblivious to the pandemic. Today, however, after she met the existence of the first case last FridayThese have been increasing to the figure that Marina Salud itself gave today: 6 positives.

According to the statement made by the Hospital, they would still be in the green stage, the lowest phase of 4 possible scenarios. Having 6 positives ensure that it is a symptom of a still mild situation.

Statement from the Dénia Hospital

Marina Salud has implemented a Contingency Plan for the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Pandemic.

The Contingency Plan is structured in 4 scenarios (Green, Yellow, Orange and Red), with specific measures for each phase, based on the guidelines established by the Ministry of Health of the Government of Spain, of the Department of Universal Health and Public Health of the Valencian Government and the available scientific evidence.

The current situation in our Health Department places us in scenario 1 -Green- of the Contingency Plan because:

The number of positive cases is reduced -6 in the entire Department of Health-
The population is following the recommendations of the authorities regarding home confinement
The use of Hospital and Primary Care Emergencies is being adequate

Remember the importance of carrying out the Autotest enabled by the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública, before making trips to the healthcare centers related to the suspicion of illness due to COVID19.

It is important to avoid attending health centers except in case of justified need

In the current situation, this is the summary of the measures we are taking:

We have put in place coordination mechanisms with the health authorities and other Health Departments, to work as a team with the entire public health system and guarantee the effectiveness of the measures adopted.
We have suspended non-preferential scheduled care and we are going to replace it with telephone support where possible.

We will contact all those affected by this measure, and in case we have not contacted you, you should go to the consultation.

To minimize the concurrence in the scheduled care that must be maintained (Obstetrics, Onco-Hematological Day Hospital, etc.), we are taking measures that will be duly informed upon arrival at the care centers.
Visits are prohibited and it is recommended to remain in the consultation and waiting rooms without an escort.
In urgent care, a circuit has been distinguished for the care of patients with suspected COVID disease19. This measure, with the support of all, will help us provide more agile and safe care.
We have implemented a Home Monitoring Program through which we will monitor the evolution of patients by telephone, if necessary.
Hospital areas have been conditioned and enabled to allow the expansion of healthcare spaces if necessary.

On behalf of all the professionals of the Denia Health Department, we reiterate our commitment to take care of the health of the inhabitants of the Marina Alta and we thank them for their collaboration in following up on the recommendations for the control of the epidemic.

The sum of everyone's efforts will help us overcome this situation.

For any questions, your appointments on Monday, March 16 have enabled specific lines with the following numbers:

For general information from 8:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m.


Information on external consultations from 8:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m.


Information on Radiodiagnosis appointments from 8:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m.


Information on surgical interventions from 8:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m.


Appointments and analytics in Primary Care:

CS PEDREGUER 96 642 96 45
CS PEGO 96 557 86 50
CS ORBA 96 640 99 85
CS EL VERGER 96 642 84 00
C. ELS POBLETS 96 646 71 40
CS ONDARA 96 642 96 85
CSI CALPE 96 687 04 50
C CASA DEL MAR 96 681 64 50
CS TEULADA 96 573 90 85
C. BENITATXELL 96 573 90 75
C. MORAIRA 96 573 90 80
CS BENISSA 96 573 91 00
C. XALÓ 96 573 90 70
CSI XABIA 96 642 81 50
C DUANES-XABIA 96 642 96 60
CS GATA 96 642 96 70
C LA XARA 96 646 71 30

Ministry of Health

Self-test on coronavirus. If you think you have symptoms, before the health services collapse, the Ministry of Health has published a link to carry out a self-test.

If you consider that you have symptoms, you can call 900 300 555 for the Valencian Community

Assistance in the emergency department must be preserved for patients with severe symptoms, in order to avoid their collapse.

Information from the Spanish Society of Immunology

Recommendations for prevention against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in immunosuppressed patients

SARS-Cov-2 is a coronavirus that is transmitted by air via the saliva droplets that are emitted by speaking, coughing, or sneezing, which serve as a transport for microorganisms found in the airways, but also by shaking hands with a sick person or touching a contaminated surface. This coronavirus causes a respiratory infection called COVID-19.

So far there are no data on the behavior of the virus in individuals with primary or secondary immunodeficiencies (such as patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs). The situation of each patient will also be variable and will depend on the type of immunodeficiency they present, either cell-type or antibody, the treatment they are currently undergoing, as well as other possible medical factors (such as age, suffering or not from lung disease) chronic, etc.).

As with other viral respiratory infections such as the flu, immunosuppressed patients, or those with debilitating or elderly chronic illnesses, are at greater risk of infection (and eventually complications) than the rest of the population. Therefore, immunosuppressed patients should be careful. The precautions that these immunosuppressed patients must take to avoid becoming infected by the new coronavirus are, in principle, the same as for the general population, although with some nuances.

The main recommendations to follow to avoid infection by the new coronavirus in this group of immunosuppressed patients include:

1. Maintain proper hygiene
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or
with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol), especially: after using the bathroom, before eating, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, and after direct contact with sick people or their surroundings . Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth before washing your hands.

Regular cleaning of house / office surfaces should be done regularly.

2. Use disposable tissues
If you do not have handkerchiefs on hand, it is not convenient to cover yourself during a sneeze, since they are the extremities that are used to interact with others, so it is more convenient to cover yourself with the inner face of the forearm at the time of cough or sneeze and wash your hands right away. If you use a disposable tissue, then throw it away.

3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Avoid contact or keep a distance of at least two meters with people suffering from symptoms of respiratory infection (fever, cough, general muscle pain, sore throat or respiratory distress), and do not share personal belongings with them.

4. Stay home if you are sick
It is generally recommended to stay home when sick because of the likelihood of passing the infection on to coworkers. In addition, an inevitable decrease in productivity is frequently observed in these people who go to work ill.

5. Try to follow a correct diet

The spread of respiratory infections depends largely on the strength of the immune system. A good diet is key for your body.

6. The use of masks is not recommended
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not recommend that people who are well wear a mask
facial to protect yourself from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.

People who show symptoms of being infected with SARS-CoV-2 should wear masks to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of face masks is also crucial for health workers and caregivers.
someone in close surroundings (at home or in a health care facility).

7. Avoid large crowds
Particularly in children with immunosuppression, it is recommended not to attend places where there may be crowds or excessive contact with other people.

8. Avoid smoking and alcohol
In addition to being harmful to health, these substances weaken the immune system,
reason why the organism is more vulnerable before infectious diseases.

9. Avoid traveling if you have a fever and cough
You should not travel if you have fever and respiratory infection symptoms to avoid infecting other people. In addition, trips to the areas with the highest concentration of COVID-19 cases should be particularly avoided, as regularly updated by the Health Authorities.

10. Avoid sharing food and utensils (cutlery, glasses, napkins, handkerchiefs, etc.) and other objects without cleaning them properly.

The evolution of the number of cases will better define the risk of contagion. Although logically it is desirable that no case should occur, if infections were to occur in individuals with immunodeficiencies or immunosuppressed patients, their evolution would help to more concretely estimate the risk for other patients with similar situations. In this sense, it is important to indicate that several types of vaccines are in development and treatments with possible antiviral effect are being sought that could be used in immunosuppressed patients if necessary.

What to do in case of suspected infection?
In the event that you suffer from a primary or secondary immunodeficiency (for example, you are under immunosuppressive treatment) and you have a suspicion that you may have been infected with coronavirus, you should follow the usual channels provided by the health authorities indicating your particular medical situation.

Immunosuppressed patients who develop fever, cough, headache or respiratory distress should consult their specialist or Primary Care physician (preferably by telephone communication), clearly indicating what their chronic diseases are and the type of treatment they take regularly. . Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, where you have been, and with whom you have had contact.

If necessary, these authorities will be able to contact the usual specialists who treat you due to your immunodeficient condition, to specify the need for extraordinary measures.

Information from the Ministry of Health

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