
The Consell establishes the sanctions of the new normality: 100 euros for not wearing a mask and 60.000 for opening dance areas

24 July 2020 - 18: 09

The Consell has approved the decree-law that establishes the specific sanctioning regime against non-compliance with the regulatory provisions of the preventive measures against COVID-19.

The vice president and spokesperson of the Consell, Mónica Oltra, has indicated, during her appearance before the media to explain the agreements adopted by the Valencian Government, that "it is about ensuring full compliance with these prevention and containment measures throughout our territory, regulating the regime of infractions, sanctions and the corresponding procedure. "

For its part, the Minister of Justice, Interior and Public Administration, Gabriela Bravo, who has appeared to detail the content of the law decree, has emphasized that "the purpose is dissuasive and we want citizens and locals to know the infractions for prevent them from occurring "

Bravo, who has clarified that "it is not a matter of stigmatizing any sector", has insisted that "from the Consell we want to appeal to the co-responsibility of the Valencian citizenry, which has already demonstrated a collective effort during the 98 days that the confinement lasted more hard of Europe. "

"However, irresponsible and unsupportive behaviors cannot be allowed to endanger all of us and cause outbreaks that can lead to even more drastic measures that nobody wants or can afford," the minister stressed.


The sanctions are divided into three groups: light, serious and very serious. In the first group, they are considered minor offenses and therefore, the following actions are liable to be sanctioned with fines of between 60 and 600 euros:

1. Failure to comply with the obligation to wear a mask or its inappropriate use, although this violation may only be sanctioned with a maximum of 100 euros.

2. On the part of public establishments, obviating the obligation to inform customers about the capacity of the premises, the minimum interpersonal distance or the use of a mask.

3. Failure to comply with general hygiene and prevention measures in public or private premises when it does not pose a risk of contagion or the risk affects less than 15 people.

4. The violation of quarantine by those who have not tested positive for Covid-19, but who are direct contacts of a confined patient.

5. Break a general order of confinement.

It is also considered as a Serious offense and punished with fines of between 601 to 30.000 euros, violating:

1. The limits of capacity in public establishments when it is not a minor or very serious fault.

2. The prohibition to organize or participate in meetings, parties or any other private or public act that implies an agglomeration or in which the adoption of sanitary measures is hindered.

3. Maintaining the safety distance between tables or groupings of tables in premises open to the public and outdoor terraces.

4. Hygiene measures and the obligation to clean and disinfect the entrances to the premises and towns where the public sits.

5. The prohibition to use spaces of the establishment for activities not allowed.

6. Hygiene measures for any type of establishment when it poses a risk of contagion or affects more than 15 people.

7. The home isolation that must be kept by those who have tested positive on COVID-19.

The serious sanctions also contemplate the suspension or prohibition of the activity, the closure of the premises and the disqualification for the organization and promotion of public shows and recreational activities for a maximum period of six months.

Finally, infractions classified as very serious and that can carry a fine between 30.001 to 60.000 euros are the following:

1. Not respecting the limits of capacity, as well as the prevention and hygiene measures by establishments open to the public when it involves a serious risk that affects more than 150 people.

2. Exceeding the establishment's capacity if minors and / or over 65 are present.

3. Organize meetings or parties, of a private or public nature, that involve an agglomeration that prevents the adoption of sanitary measures or that minors and / or people over 65 are present.

4. Prevent the inspection by the agents of the authority or officials, as well as the refusal to collaborate with them.

5. Breach the obligation to disable the dance floor for this use.

6. Repeatedly violate the duty of home isolation by people who have tested positive for COVID-19.

For very serious sanctions, the decree law also provides for the suspension or prohibition of the activity, the closure of the premises and the disqualification for the organization and promotion of public shows and recreational activities for a maximum period of three years and, cumulatively, up to a maximum of 10.

Tax deductions

On the other hand, the Consell has also agreed to proceed with the corresponding regulatory amendment to contemplate deductions in the autonomous process of personal income tax aimed at compensating for the greater tax burden borne by workers employed by another person affected by an employment regulation file or who have exercised the right of total reduction or 50% or more of their working hours for the reconciliation of family and working life.

Likewise, the deduction for the acquisition or electrification of urban bicycles and personal mobility electric vehicles is also included.

In this sense, the vice president explained that it is intended "to modify Law 13/1997, of December 20, of the Generalitat Valenciana, which regulates the regional section of the income tax of natural persons, to introduce these new deductions. "

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