
TDF criticizes the delay in budget

09 December 2013 - 00: 00

Three weeks after the end of the year, the city of Dénia has not submitted 2014 budgets, the year's most important document. In this situation, unrest is growing in opposition groups, who criticize the "paralysis" the government team.

TDF is the case, it regrets that the government team "He has not fully presented a draft for his study". Responsible for the economic area of ​​the game, Toni Woodward, describes this attitude "irresponsible and obscurantist"And he believes that budgets are where "Everything is marked from above."

Toni Woorward and Mari Martínez - CDL Dénia

  1. Jose Carlos says:

    It seems a lie ... They have been approved for their entire lives in the month of April (you just need to see the newspaper library) and now they come to us with these

  2. Luki luk says:

    To Fallas. Opposition to more people participate Dénia.
