
The heat takes hundreds of dianenses out of home despite the recommendation to confine themselves

January 18 from 2021 - 10: 09

Spending a couple of weeks cold has given us a false feeling that at home we have been taking refuge from these low temperatures and the showers that have been dropped by Dénia. However, the heat always ends up returning, and 19º have been enough to make us forget the real danger from which we had sheltered: the coronavirus.

During this weekend the thermometers have reached 20 degrees. In addition, it has accompanied the sun, creating an ideal climate in our municipality to want to enjoy it outdoors. But wanting is one thing and duty is another.

Just a few days ago we published the worst coronavirus data that our area had ever suffered, a figure that everything indicates that it will be forgotten after being surpassed in the next update, as is the current trend. Also, fewer days ago, the mayor, Vicent Grimalt, on behalf of the City Council, he urged, since it lacks the authority in this regard to force the neighbors to confine themselves in their homes.

But yesterday was Sunday and the sun came out. The temperature calmed down, so many, too many, took the opportunity to go out en masse to the city's coastline to walk with family and friends. The terraces were filled again in some sections and on certain walks it was even difficult to drive well out of the way, having to avoid other groups and athletes.

This week we will repeat equally pleasant temperatures, but we will also repeat high numbers of infections. It is important to remember that Dénia is one of the cities with the highest incidence of coronavirus today. At one point we were among those who resisted it the most and where there was less danger of contagion, but it was at a time when there were no celebrations or long Sunday walks.

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