
The Bloc is preparing the second edition of the Festival Estellés

16 September 2011 - 00: 00

For the second consecutive year, after the success of the first edition, the BLOC Denia celebrate the birth anniversary of the poet Vicent Andrés Estellés was born in Burjassot the 4 1922 September.

The party will be held on Friday, September 16 at the Sant Vicent Ferrer school in Les Rotes and will consist of a dinner, reading of 21 poems by the writer and a performance by singer-songwriter Rafa Xambó, who will present his new work "Andanes".

Josep Crespo and Sebastià Garcia in presenting the Festa Estellés

1 Comment
  1. the cat says:

    I thought it is a bona ocasió coneixer pear figure was Estelles A Gated Community. Expect FASGA bon temps and Pogam Gaudir a wonderful evening. I do not have time vist is that it is fa the acte.
