
The City Council of Dénia informs residents and businessmen of the access to Campo street before pedestrianization

30 September 2020 - 16: 06

Mayor, Vicent Grimalt, the councilor for Territory and Urban Quality, Mª José Ripoll and the Councilor for Citizen Security, Javier Scotto, have met today with the neighborhood and economic agents of the Marqués de Campo area to discuss issues related to the pedestrianization of the street, which the municipal government made effective when the health crisis caused by COVID-19 broke out.

At the meeting, requested by the platform that includes some merchants, hoteliers, neighbors, professionals and sellers of the Market, the municipal representatives explained that the recovery of public spaces as other European cities are doing is one of the main points of the sheet Government route, which began in the last legislature in other parts of the city, such as Calle del Mar, Sandunga or Plaza del Archduque Carlos, with good public acceptance.

With the arrival of the pandemic, the actions of recovery of public spaces for the citizenship has accelerated and has become effective in bower of the Valencian Country and in Campo street for two essential reasons. On the one hand, to guarantee the safety of pedestrians in two public spaces with a high density of mobility and, on the other, to ensure the safety of people on the terraces of the hotel establishments and in the access queues to shops and banking entities in the area.

In addition, the mayor recalls that Marqués de Campo street was already for pedestrians for many days in the year, when it was closed to be a holiday, for performances, for festive celebrations or during the summer.


Grimalt has ensured that the pedestrianization of Campo Street and Glorieta is not a sudden measure, but meditated and supported with other actions to improve accessibility such as the project to create urban public transport, the strategy for the use of bicycles with the implementation of 20/30 zones, the existence of 3.000 parking spaces free parking "Less than 15 minutes walk from the center" and the smart city project that will introduce technological innovation to locate available parking spaces.

The mayor also recalled the current campaign for free parking in the private car parks of the Martillo, Raset and La Vía wharf, aimed at the clientele of commercial, hotel and market establishments.

Although he understands the reluctance arising from the measure, Vicent Grimalt is convinced that the final assessment will be positive, "As has happened in other areas of the city that we have recovered pedestrian".

Resident access

Regarding the concerns about the accessibility to homes and premises on the street that have been expressed by the representatives of the platform, Scotto have assured them that the loading and unloading dynamics is designed with the Local Police because it is done safely and effectively and that the access with a vehicle to the houses for just cause will also be guaranteed.

In this sense, they have already specified that, in case you need to get to the entrance of the house to make, for example, a move or move heavy belongings, you will only have to phone the Local Police one day before and request it. If the passage is required for an emergency matter, it will be guaranteed immediately.

Those attending the meeting have agreed to reconvene a meeting in two months to evaluate the results of the accessibility measures and adjust the necessary.

Calendar works

Finally, the representatives of the municipal government have committed to the platform to agree with all those affected the schedule of works planned in the streets of Ramón y Cajal, Carreró de Morand, Marqués de Campo and Cop, for which the city council has requested financial aid to the Alicante Provincial Council through the Provincial Plan for Investments and Financing in Infrastructures 2020-2023.

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