
Discover the coffee from the movie 'Out of Africa' in Dénia

20 2015 April - 15: 00

things malú

Out of Africa, Starring Meryl Streep and Robert Redford, is a film in which the protagonist begins a marriage with his distant cousin and moved to Kenya (Africa) to run a coffee plantation. The plantation goes through serious economic problems and finally is destroyed after a fire and the protagonist (Meryl Streep) returns to Europe losing everything he had achieved.

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If you want to discover the coffee planted in the movie, just approach the Dénia Municipal Market and ask for him Malu things. It is Kenya AA coffee, one of the most recognized African coffees grown in the highlands of the central regions of Kenya. This cafe has a good body and an outstanding acidity. And now you can get on with things Dénia Malu.

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