
Dénia joins the celebration of the World Day of Sustainable Gastronomy

15 June 2017 - 15: 09

Last year, the United Nations General Assembly designated June 18 as the Day of Sustainable Gastronomy. This commemoration is intended to allow diners, cooks, farmers, fishermen, small and medium entrepreneurs to recognize their potential and the shared responsibility of realizing global objectives such as the eradication of poverty and hunger.

Another goal is to ensure healthier lifestyles, the promotion of lifelong learning and decent employment, the empowerment of women, the promotion of inclusive economic growth, the reduction of inequalities, the responsible use of terrestrial and marine ecosystems , And the promotion of sustainable patterns of production and consumption.

Dénia, as Creative City of Gastronomy Designated by UNESCO in 2015, joins this celebration with the purpose of sensitizing the population on their contribution to the sustainable development of communities, sharing best practices and promoting creativity in the field of sustainable gastronomy.

It is worth remembering that from Dénia-Creative City of Gastronomy works in the construction of the Local Food Ecosystem of the Marina Alta, A system in which farmers, fishermen, restaurateurs and the gastronomic community will work together towards a sustainable growth model based on our ethnogastronomic heritage, our food and hospitality industry and the promotion of a healthy diet associated with the Mediterranean Diet.

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