
C's Dénia asks for 2021 "that the government team leave the roller and start talking"

23 December 2020 - 13: 12

The councilors of the Group of citizens Dénia Susana Mut and Estefanía Swchamb, in the City Council, have made a political balance of this year that is ending, "The exceptional situation created by COVID-19 requires a different approach to analyze this tragic and even traumatic 2020", the councilors have indicated.

At the local level, Mut and Swchamb have positively highlighted the responsibility of the residents of Dénia during the days of confinement, making the city practically free of coronavirus, in the first wave of the pandemic.

Ciudadanos has highlighted the work, which since their grouping has been carried out "With a multitude of meetings that resulted in some proposals for the Decalogue of measures for economic and social reactivation, which were practically all included in the definitive aid plan of the City Council of Dénia, it is generated by the growing recognition of our work as a party of proposals and useful policies. "

"Negative: the totalitarian attitudes of the government team"

Regarding the negative of the year, at the political level, the councilors of the orange formation have indicated "the totalitarian attitudes of the government team. The government team of the government has not yet understood PSPV that, in this extraordinary situation, he must forget about partisan programs and focus first on the citizens. "

Mut and Swchamb have criticized that the Dianense PSPV, "is thinking about the next elections instead of the current problems of the Dianenses. We are very afraid that, by the time the next elections arrive, Dénia will
find yourself in total ruin, and your forecasts are left out of context, also seeing that other municipalities of the same political color and not far from here (Xàbia), are taking real measures to help the self-employed, merchants and hospitality.

Campo street pedestrianization

Citizens has also made mention of the pedestrianization of Calle Marques de Campo, "one can be in favor
of this measure, in fact, we may be, but the way it is being carried out now is neither realistic nor timely. The tremendous economic upheaval that shops, businesses and offices in the center of Dénia are suffering cannot be ignored by political approaches that are far from day-to-day reality "

The councilors have added that "The pedestrianization of our city is a desirable objective, with all security, but it requires planning, training and real support work on the part of the rulers, to those possibly affected by the measure. It is the government team that must create the ideal environment so that this objective can be carried out without straining and destroying the entire economic fabric of the area ".

Susana and Estefanía propose, for this question, "Seek realistic solutions to public transport in the area and the creation of nearby parking spaces. An ideal legislative and tax framework must be created so that it is attractive to settle in a pedestrianized urban center and be absolutely proactive and dialogue with the measures to be taken before to impose pedestrianization ".

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