
Consumes less electricity with new LED bulbs and replace your old halogen

August 20 from 2013 - 00: 00

Halogen bulbs have been widely used in recent years because of the quality of light as brightness and intensity, they offer. Since several drawbacks, now the trend is to replace the old halogens LED bulbs.

Halogen bulb vs. Traditional LED bulb

The main drawback of halogen bulbs is the high power consumption which represent about ten times the consumption of an LED bulb.

While halogen consumes an average 50W electricity, plus a 20% extra consumption for each transformer, an LED bulb consumes approximately 5W for the same luminous work.

In addition, the LEDs can work with a beam of 120 degrees, while the halogens typically work between 35 and 60 degrees, so we need many more halogens to illuminate the same as an LED, thus increasing consumption.

Another benefit of LED over traditional halogen is the heat they emit. Halogen bulbs give off heat to the environment. Replacing halogen bulbs Led by able to reduce the temperature of the room, so consumption will also save on air conditioning.


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