
Compromís is running for mayor "not as a complement to the government, but as an alternative"

20 December 2022 - 15: 09

Compromís Per Dénia has met with the press this morning to make, like many parties at this time of the year, a balance of 2022 at a political level. However, with a very calm tone, on this occasion they have preferred to talk about who they are, the work they have done, and the work that they have not been allowed to do, as the main force of the opposition and have given the first brushstrokes about the direction they they will face in the upcoming elections in May and the future legislature.

Rafa Carrió, spokesman for Compromís per Dénia, has appeared together with the other two councilors of the group at the City Hall, Eva Round y Vicent Crespo, the local secretary, Agustí Espí, and María José García, Secretary of Organization, to make visible to the media the work undertaken during the last year. A job that, according to the training, has been hampered on many occasions by the attitude of the local government, made up entirely of the PSPV.

During this legislature, the relationship with his former government partners until 2019 seems to have cooled. As they indicate, the PSPV barely has the other groups to govern and no matter how much they reach out, they get scorn in response. Compromís, despite this, offers itself as an option for stability and political consensus, as they claim to have demonstrated during their mandates.

"A lot of smoke has been sold with little fire"

They have also been very critical of the balance of the year made by the PSPV, pointing out that many of these projects are inherited from when they formed a team, with the new government providing a continuation program with work that began hand in hand with Compromís. "Who began the works of the Castle? And the Tram, the new children's classroom at Pou de la Muntanya, the pavilion...», Carrió has given examples. "A lot of smoke has been sold with little fire."

Facing the elections

However, they do not rule out post-electoral pacts. Despite feeling hurt and insisting that they do not forget, it could be the case of a new coalition government between Compromís and PSPV in the city. Carrió has assumed that it is undeniable that there is a certain proximity between both parties, sharing certain ideological aspects. But they also remember that if there was no second Pacte del Castell it was because the Socialists did not want to, referring to the little confidence they showed in the distribution of councilors, leaving the remains to those who until then were their partners.

Compromís, despite everything, is optimistic to face the next elections. "We are not a complement to the government, we are an alternative," indicated Carrió. Despite not having a public list yet, as it is still being drawn up, they assure that it will be a powerful list, combining new and prepared people with more experienced people. «We are a strong team that mixes youth and experience; a proximity party with close councillors.

1 Comment
  1. Cesar Pino Dominguez says:

    It is clear that they want to continue as they are. They do not govern anywhere but they are partners of the socialist party in all places, as filler.
