
Compromís against the query language proposed by Education

16 December 2014 - 12: 32

Compromís per Dénia has shown its rejection of the linguistic consultation organized by the Ministry of Education, considering that it is a "trick question". At least this is argued by entities such as the Escola Valenciana or the Gonzalo Anaya Confederation.

Trobada d'Escoles in Valencià in Gata de Gorgos

The nationalist group thinks that the consultation to the families, clear and legal is done at the time of making the pre-registrations for the registration. Being the document where it should be noted in which program they want their children to study.

This political training, recommends parents of students not to participate in this consultation, as it is not binding and only aims to create confusion, by not giving all the information to families.

The telematic voting will be held on Friday 19 in December and for this no real information campaign has been conducted for families on educational programs and their results.

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