
Advance summer courses at UNED

21 July 2014 - 10: 53

During these days, the headquarters of the Open University in Dénia welcomes the conclusion of their summer courses, some courses have already become a national reference in education for the quality and diversity of its themes.

The course "To live is to learn, even if you don't want to", He addressed issues such as punishment or reward human behavior in the paper of Professor of Basic Psychology at the headquarters, Ricardo Pellón Suarez de Puga, which also discussed the different types of learning that can occur throughout our lives.

During this course he also spoke of "Role of learning in the genesis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions" with a presentation by the sexologist Carmen Mas who talked about the definition of sexuality and the steps that the human body to address sex.

Inmaculada González Cortijo, professor and psychologist Dénia guardian of the paper we proposed AEPA "Learning to live with drugs" following the latest news from legalization or soft drugs.

In the framework of this course, the head professor of Psychobiology at UNED's Headquarters, Francisco Claro, explained how boredom is associated with having too much free time and how young people are the most boring sector to feel.

Francisco Claro

The course "From freedom of education to the right to education: the LOMCE to debate" It generated many questions among the attendees. Its coordinator, Mª Dolores Moreno, PhD in didactics, tackled a tour through all the stages of regulated education to analyze the new curricular trajectories; the new approach of the baccalaureates and the dual professional training, to the new access roads to the university. In this course, she participated, among others, the director of the UNED in Dénia, Raquel Martí, which highlighted the importance of this law, a law that "it will change the lives of the little ones".

Singler Pedro Vizcaino, Head of Evaluation and Studies of the Directorate General of Innovation of the Generalitat Valenciana, addressed "The implementation of external evaluations in the Spanish education system"While Vicent Mas, graduate in Philology and Educational Sciences and tutor of the UNED Dénia proposed theme "The educational linguistic map".

This course also addressed "The subject of religion in the education system" with the Professor of Ecclesiastical Law of the State of the UNED of Madrid, Gustavo Suárez Pertierra; and on the other hand with "Diversity in the classrooms: the presence of religious symbols in schools" with José Daniel Pelayo, Doctor of Ecclesiastical Law of the State at the Headquarters.

Summer courses at UNED continue this week at the headquarters of Dénia.

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