
This will be the Interpretation Center 'Dénia. Ciudad vigía': a window to the historical and cultural past of the city

08 March 2023 - 09: 41

A new space dedicated to the education of visitors interested in the history and culture of the city will soon see the light of day in Dénia. This is the "Dénia. Ciudad vigía" Interpretation Center, the first project of its kind in the municipality, which will occupy a space of 195 m2 vacated in the current Archaeological Museum of the city after being transferred to its new location, how could we meet yesterday.

The main objective of this project is to highlight the importance of the port of Dénia as a fundamental enclave in the trade and maritime transit of the different periods, as well as in the historical evolution of the city. The exhibition intends to carry out a didactic and informative work, showing the urban, social and cultural evolution of Dénia, highlighting milestones such as the granting of the title of city by Felipe III or the Spanish secession war.

The tour of the Interpretation Center will be divided into three parts, with an area of ​​models to bring the visitor closer to the historical evolution of the city in a didactic way, another with showcases where archaeological objects related to each period of the history of Dénia will be located. and a third in which audiovisual material will be projected. In addition, the project contemplates the installation of observation points in the windows of the building so that they act as "observatories of historical dates", reflecting historical and cultural milestones in the landscape.

It is expected that, once the works have been tendered, it will be finished in 4 or 5 months, so it could open its doors before the end of the summer.

Only 1 in 4 visitors to the Castle access the current museum

The person in charge of the Archeology area of ​​the City Council and promoter of the project, Massu Sentí, has highlighted that only 27% of users who currently access the castle they visit the Archaeological Museum exhibition, which is partly due to its reduced hours, but highlights the deficiency in terms of signage and information.

The project has a budget of 135.750 euros, financed by a European subsidy from Next Generation funds, within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, managed by the Generalitat Valenciana.

The inauguration of the "Dénia. Ciudad vigía" Interpretation Center will allow one to delve into the history and culture of this city, offering an educational experience to visitors interested in learning about the evolution of this enclave over time.

  1. Francisca says:

    Expediting the site of the Marqués de Campo ambulatory in the summer has no shade, and once the project is done, it will be a point of interest for everyone, summer cinema, band concerts, fallas, and other acts that can be held perform in a green and fresh environment

  2. Vicenta says:

    The project is not bad, but what is necessary is adequate accessibility for all kinds of people, either by private transport, or with an elevator that should be in the Castle, or by shuttle from the entrance of the castle or other areas of Denia .
    We have a city that deserves more; Obviously no one enters the museum, it has little value without an explanation, some audiovisuals and specific personnel who know how to explain the story by engaging. Perhaps a theatricality from time to time would also go well to explain it. In short, endless details that do not materialize and money not well distributed to carry out things in Denia. The project must always be discussed with all the political parties and if there are changes like this, at least survey the population.
    Sincerely, a citizen of this CITY
