
Such were the aims and Falla ruse in Roques

30 March 2012 - 00: 00

While the day of San Jose and had new President and Fallera Mayor, Saturday 24, we open the doors of our casal everyone who wanted to join the new commission or just visit, snack and spend a Retito with us.

They had prepared cake, chocolate, cake, etc ... all very good. At one time, the President brought us all together in the house to communicate, to everyone's surprise, and nerves of the kid, that he was going to announce the children's charges. He, along with the Fallera Mayor, called the one who would be the new Infant President. Marcos, hearing his name, stood still, could not believe it, could not say anything. But well, he needed a Major Fallerita, and he went with the band to his partner and friend Emma, ​​who hid behind her mother, did not want to believe what was happening.

Everyone congratulated the couple and of their families, and after overcoming moments of nerves, and quieter, began to enjoy the moment.
The afternoon was so nice that it lasted until dinner, we prepared the table, order pizzas and sandwiches, and go on. And we started the year all with much desire and many renewed illusions. Thus, all the new charges for the 2012-2013 exercise are:

President: Jose Antonio Monsonis Bertomeu
Fallera Mayor: Payer Pamela Barber
Children President: Marcos Pérez Gimeno
Fallera Mayor Infantil: Emma Miralles Rosello

To congratulate them all. Good luck and enjoy it !!

1 Comment
  1. the cat says:

    This year will be difrente, because the charges MUCHASS PROMISE THINGS AND SURPRISES MUCHS.
