
Apema, the association that promotes mathematics among young people in the region

May 16 from 2015 - 00: 04

Florencio Burrel Celaya is the president of APEMA (Association for the Encouragement of Mathematics). His fundamental activity is to promote the development of mathematical skills and give special support and attention to those students interested in discovering and/or reinforcing their scientific vocation through L'escola De Matematiques De La Marina Alta (l'EMMA).

Since when is there association?

EMMA L'2008 existed, although the Apema association was established in 2013.

Who created it and who its current members?

It was created by a group of mathematics teachers from various colleges and high schools in the county, some of them had founded years earlier, ESTALMAT in Valencia (program created by the Royal Spanish Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural for the encouragement of students with mathematical talent).

School Matenáticas Marina Alta organizes courses and lectures during the academic year.

Current members are:

- Florencio Burrel Celaya (president of APEMA), IES Chabás
- Josep Cabrera Miralles (vice president of APEMA and director of l'EMMA), IES Chabás
- Conxa Alba García (APEMA treasurer and deputy director of l'EMMA), IES María Ibars
- Juan Carlos Femenía Molinero (secretary of APEMA and head of studies of l'EMMA), IES María Ibars.
- Antonio Padilla Fernández (APEMA member), IES Chabás.
- Sara Llorca Pedraza, Colegio Paidos.
- Isabel Ibáñez Martín, HEI of Benissa
- Vicent Chorro Cabrera, IES Antoni Llido
- Teresa Arabí Salva, IES Antoni Llidó
- Sonsoles Albi, IES Maria Ibars
- Jose Luis Ronda, IES Chabas
- Mª Jesús Sastre, IES Cat of Gorgos

They are also members of the association parents of students of l'EMMA

What were the reasons to create it?

There are many secondary school students who do not develop their math skills because of the rigidity of programs. These skills go unnoticed and will wither if they are not adequately addressed. The task of caring for these people is beyond the reach of teachers because they can not devote the personal attention they need.

Association for Promoting Mathematics of the Marina Alta region (Apema)

These students, well directed, could discover their scientific vocation and contribute to the cultural and social development of a country. This action aims to promote scientific vocation of young people through experimentation with models and mathematical relationships.

Do you have corporate headquarters?

Our administrative office is the local headquarters of the UNED, classes are held in the IES María Ibars and conferences in the foundation Gavilá Ferrer.

What goals does the association now?

The aim of the association is Apema disclosure and encouragement of knowledge of mathematics in the region.

L'Escola de Matemàtiques Marina Alta focuses on stimulation for two academic years, the precocious mathematical talent of students 25 2º and 3º ESO (12 or 13 years) belonging to secondary schools.

Some of our veteran students collaborate as monitors in the first sessions with new and also attend primary schools where they teach outreach activities in higher grades.

Is there a demand? Is there a market? Future's expectations...

The number of suitors presented to the selection tests shows that there is really interested in students and their parents into our school.

Students of the School of Mathematics of the Marina Alta.

We believe that we must deepen the dissemination of knowledge of mathematics, to that end we are increasing the performances of our monitors; We are also filming some of our activities to them, via the Internet, available to those who can not participate in our school.

How do you reclutáis students?

Every year in early June, a test used to select 25 alumni / ae with mathematical talent and interest in mathematics is done. They are presented each year between 70 and 80 students from across the region.

What are the advantages of being part of your association?

The project aims to help students in mathematical work, stimulating and guiding its meaning and mathematical intuition and introducing them to suit their ages formalisms. At the same time, it seeks to give a humanist vision of mathematics through lectures and readings of historical-cultural type in which, of course, have no place, in addition, readings and anecdotes of recreational mathematics calls.

Relevance is given to activities that involve playful activities that are attractive to students of the ages involved. Activities are also carried out to use new technologies as a source of information, updating and even as a means of learning.

Association for Promoting Mathematics of the Marina Alta region (Apema).

Do not try to make progress in the mathematics content of the curriculum but give guidance to enable them to develop their talent in mathematics.

How can you be part of your association?

Members of our association contribute an annual fee of € 30, which receive information about our activities and participate in them.

We have a blog you are informed of our activities and the calendar we follow. The address is: http://escolamates.blogspot.com.es

To contact us you can go to IES María Ibars Thursday indicated on the blog 5'30 to 8 pm, or send an email to fburrel@gmail.com

What is the profile of students or participants of the association?

Are young people between 12 and 16 years who are studying ESO centers of the region.

What are the upcoming events?

Between October and May most of the Thursday afternoon sessions are taught, lectures, visits ...

In addition, it participates in competitions like the Olympics Mathematics and Mathematical Open. We organize a conference on coexistence with math activities weekend October aimed at new students attending.

Students members of the Association for the Encouragement of Mathematics of the Marina Alta region (Apema).

What achievements mencionarías school?

Our project has been awarded the first prize 100X100 granted by the Dénia-Balearia Foundation last year 2013.

Many of our students are selected each year between 10 representing the counties Marina Alta and Baja in testing the Olympics Provincial, and some of them have represented in the province of Valencia. And even one of our student was part of the list submitted by our community in the national Olympiad 2011-2012 course.

It is our aim to prepare them to succeed in this type of testing, but the good results obtained serve to stimulate our students, we indicate that we have selected our project properly and that training helps them enhance their capabilities.

A few finishing touches, something you'd like to add.

The activities performed are prepared exclusively by teachers for our school, in addition every year we have the cooperation of national prestige teachers who travel from their residences. All this represents significant expenses are increased with other extravagance for travel and residence of our students along with acquiring special materials for lessons.

EMMA organizes courses related to mathematics throughout the year.

Until very recently we had the help of Gavilá Ferrer Foundation, municipalities in the county how Xabia, Gata de Gorgos, Benissa, Xalon and Dénia, together with the Ministry of Education and administrative collaboration of the Open University of Dénia. But with the deepening crisis we can only count on the aid of the City of Xabia and promises of de Gata and Denia.

We have the contributions of members of the association and the prize money of Dénia Foundation, but not enough to cover our expenses despite the large reduction in emoluments and decreasing the calendar.

We are constantly in danger of disappearing, which has not happened so far thanks to the sacrifice and enthusiasm of our teachers, certainly miraculous thing in these times we live in.

Escola de Matemàtiques Marina Alta

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