
2º students and primary 3º Alpha & Omega visit the Hospital of Dénia

11 March 2016 - 00: 01

Students of 7 and 8 years of the Alfa & Omega school in Dénia, who these days are immersed in the Super Heroes cycle, have visited the facilities of the hospital Comarcal Denia to see first hand the facilities and the work done there.

Students of Alfa & Omega at the Dénia Hospital

The visit has revolved around the areas of Pediatrics, Outpatients, Room Cuidart Laboratory and Warehouse call center Integralia. On the ground of Pediatrics, children have known the nursery, where today there were no patients, and were able to check the internal temperature of incubators.

the fact that most of the students are children of hospital workers is given, so that parents have used the day for small know closely the Hospital and the places where their parents develop their professional activity.

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