
ACIF also says no to oil exploration in the Mediterranean

11 December 2014 - 13: 43

The president and vice president of the Agrupació Contra Incendis Forestals (ACIF) Marina Alta, Francisco Soler and Joan Sala, have signed this morning their adherence to the institutional declaration of the Xarxa d'Alcaldes against oil prospecting on the coast accompanied by the mayoress, Ana Kringe.

Ana Kringe with representatives of ACIF

The president of the entity has stated that, for the time being, "are rated with interest that the consequences"Of surveys. An activity that "mainly affect the marine life and would influence in the ecosystem”. This would have an impact on the quality of the beaches and coasts, also affecting tourism, the economy and employment in the city. Soler has pointed out that “there are other energy alternatives that could fight and we should strengthen".

For all this, has concluded, ACIF Marina Alta "Says a non-resounding and capitalized oil prospecting".

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